Whitelines - Revamp after 5 years of evolution

Five years ago, Bontouch developed a world class paper scanning app called Whitelines Link. The app uses advanced image analysis to digitize the content of a physical paper. It contains fine tuned, specialized algorithms that allows for finding the markers on the paper even in low-lit conditions.

Since the app was developed, hardware has improved significantly. The field of image analysis has changed as well. How can these improvements be utilized to further enhance the image processing in Whitelines Link? For example, can the type of content in the paper be detected and used to improve the analysis? Can the high resolution images from the latest hardware be used in a better way? Is it possible to clear noise more reliably from the image?

As part of this thesis work, you will analyze which performance improvements can be made to the image processing algorithms in the Whitelines Link app, what the current state of research is in this field, and how that knowledge can be combined to perform state-of-the-art image analysis on a smartphone.

This thesis work may suit you if:

  • You are a big fan of image analysis and algorithms
  • You like to work with the latest and greatest research
  • Performance and optimization is your thing

For this position; understanding spoken Swedish is a requirement, speaking Swedish is a plus.


Send a mail to thesis@bontouch.com or refer a friend.