Voice control in everyday life
Hey Siri, do users really feel comfortable asking you for help?
Ok Google, in what context do you really help the user - or are you just another gimmick?
Alexa, you are in a lot of American homes, but what are you used for?
Hey Cortana, your name doesn’t quite roll off the tongue...
The proliferation of voice control is a very recent trend, which may have great implications for how we interact with devices and digital services in the future. However, the field is still relatively novel. In this thesis project, you will investigate the current leading consumer voice control interfaces to try and determine what they are good at, what improvements may be made in the near future, as well as what the long-term horizon might look like for voice control.
As part of this assignment you will look into how the different voice control AIs differ. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the competing voice interactive personal assistants? Do they share any traits? In what contexts does voice control excel compared to traditional interfaces? If we compare these results to studies from a few years ago, have things changed? Can these results be extrapolated to predict the future of voice controlled user interfaces?
This thesis project may suit you if:
- You are interested in the possibilities of bringing digital personal assistants to a wide market.
- You think a voice interface has the potential to be faster and more usable than a digital one on a screen.
- You would prefer to have the product understand the user, rather than the user needing to understand the product.
For this position understanding spoken Swedish is a requirement, speaking Swedish is a plus.
Send a mail to thesis@bontouch.com or refer a friend.